This short fictional video is created by Wenyi, Steven and Hannah for the purpose of envisioning a future product iBeep that uses a new technology.
Please be aware that this video is only used for educational purpose.
Promotion video created by our team
Video clip [2:55-3:10] source:
Context & Design Rationale
Time: 2025
Event: the annual student showcase event
Location: The hangar at school (CDM)
Problems we are solving:
Some students are not good at networking with potential employers and don't know what to say and do properly. They need some external help that assists them in socializing.
iBeep - connect you with your dream job. It is a pair of intelligent earphones with a build-in personal AI assistant
Users touch iBeep to activate it and turn it off. iBeep monitors users’ heart rate and gives them suggestions to socialize.
Instead of shooting the video in real-life scenes, we use heartbeat rhythms, emojis and a dark background to visualize character's emotions.
Highlight one side (positive or negative) of the new technology.
Script writing & storyboarding: Wenyi Gong
Sound design & video editing: Hong (Steven) Sun
Visual effects & video editing: Hang (Hannah) Zheng
Design process
4 ways of telling the same story
#1: 1st POV
Tell the story From the 1st person point of view (POV)
#2: 1st & 3rd POV
Use 1st person perspective and switch to 3rd person perspective to tell the story
#3: Flashback
The ending comes first, and the character recalls what has happened.
#4: Heartbeat rhythm
Use the character’s heartbeat rhythm and emojis to visualize the scene and his/her emotions.
© Wenyi Gong, Hong Sun, Hang Zheng 2019