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Writer's pictureWenyi Gong

[Game Design] Taekwondo Game: One-Pager

A One-Pager is an important ideation tool that will help a designer solidify a product/game/level concept. There are five major elements: Tag Line, Core Statement, Essence Statement, Game Overview, and Key Features.

This one-pager talks about the 5 elements of my game concept - The Invincible Taekwondo.

Game mockup

Tag Line

Core Statement

For people who like virtual reality experience and sports, especially taekwondo, The Invincible Taekwondo game is an online VR game that creates taekwondo combat experience. Players are able to build their combat experience as they climb the rankings and challenge Taekwondo masters from around the world.

Essence Statement

The Invincible Taekwondo allows you to discover your potential and compete to become a world champion. Go beyond the game, you can practise your taekwondo techniques and skills. Enjoy the adrenaline rush of fast-paced taekwondo matches against players from all over the world, and do what it takes to become the next taekwondo champion.

Game Overview

The Invincible Taekwondo is an online VR game that focuses on creating one on one taekwondo combats. The premier virtual reality experience allows players to practice taekwondo in the comfort of their own homes. Following the combat rules, players can fight in one on one combat against players all over the world, and battle their way from a taekwondo novice to world-class champion.

Our game allows players to customize their avatars, including the garment, gender, race, weight, and much more. Players can choose from over 50 unique venues for both training and combat, from the classic dojos of Korea to the sunny beaches of San Francisco. The techniques are captured from over 70 taekwondo grandmasters, creating the most authentic and immersive Taekwondo experience to date.

Before venturing to competitions, players choose their style (W.T.F. / I.T.F. [1]), select to study under a taekwondo master, and get skill upgrade from white belt to advanced belts. The skill levels are shown through players’ belt colors. Players encounter other players of equal belt level in competitive matches, and have their rankings show on The Invincible Taekwondo world ranking list.

Key Features

Real techniques: Our state-of-the-art movement capture technology, along with VR controllers and foot controllers (Taclim® shoes) gives players an immersive taekwondo experience.

Training and advancement: Choose from taekwondo master, styles, and venues for training and combating. Unlock new belts as you improve, and learn from the best masters all around the world.

Compete worldwide: Compete with friends and adversaries across the globe, and work your way up from local competitions to international Taekwondo championships

Game concpet

[1] W.T.F.: The World Taekwondo Federation. I.T.F.: The International Taekwondo Federation.

© Wenyi Gong 2018



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