This visual journal was initially inspired in Dr. Pennefather's course Interdisciplinary Improvisation.
The journey consists of 7 visual entries about the reflection on the process of managing projects, such as "Play Bubble"project (design jam) and "Hamperdoo" project.
Journal entry #1: Design Jam Reflection
Reflection of the Design Jam project Play Bubble
Rules of play
What I need to learn in the team
Comparison of my roles in in-class brainstorming and project brainstorming
KFC (Keep, Fix and Change)
Journal entry #2: Listening
How to be a good listener
Problems in listening
Leadership and followership
Journal entry #3: Visual Notetaking
Some props for taking notes visually
Journal entry #4: Problem Solving
Visualization of existing problem in the project team
General problems
Journal entry #5: Dream House
How individual visions vary in a team
Journal entry #6: Hierarchical Agility
Reflection of the project Hamperdoo
Journal entry #7: Shoulder Judges
Devil and Angel before, during and after giving a presentation
© Wenyi Gong 2018